Our tips to creating a CV and Cover Letter

Over the last 28 years since horticruitment was established, CV and cover letter writing and how these documents are submitted to either an agency or an employer has changed quite significantly with the use of applications and tools such as email, dropbox and pdf’s but overall the essence of what a CV should include in terms of your qualifications and or experience has remained the same. How you display your qualifications and or work experience has proved to make a significant difference as to whether or not your application  progresses onto interview stage. Please find below a CV and Cover Letter template which is based on our many years experience recruiting within the horticultural industry.

CV & cover letter templates

CV template

Your CV is the first part in making a good impression to a potential employer, a good CV will considerably increase your chances of being considered for the role that you have applied for. The Template will assist in what information needs to be included in the CV and what needs to be left out!

Cover letter template

A cover letter is not always required when applying for a new position but can certainly assist in giving a potential employer greater detail about your skills and experiences that specifically relate to the role you are applying for. Our template is a guide as to how to put a cover letter together.

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